Guidelines for authors


This specification provides you with the necessary guidelines to submit a contribution for About Resilience. These explain the type of content we are looking for as well as the format most suited for publication.

In term of topics, we focus on a set of established management disciplines associated with organizational resilience as according to ISO 22316:2017 Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes. 

In addition, we welcome insights on innovative thinking on organizational resilience related to diversity and inclusion, return on investment, training and education and innovation.


Below is a list of all topics on which we invite external submissions:

  1. Business continuity management.
  2. Crisis management.
  3. Asset management.
  4. Cyber security.
  5. Sustainability.
  6. Enterprise risk management.
  7. Health and safety management.
  8. Human resources management.
  9. Security and defence.
  10. ICT and disaster recovery.
  11. Quality management.
  12. Supply chain management.
  13. Diversity and inclusion.
  14. Return on investment.
  15. Training and education.
  16. Innovation in resilience.

The length of each contribution should be maximum 1,000 words, with a clear introduction, a body and a conclusion with the main takeaways, as well as an abstract of maximum 100 words.

Each submission will be examined by our team, who will assess whether the article is accepted for publication and/or needs to be reviewed.